

This map shows the variety of habitat we have on the site, enabling a wide variety of wildlife to thrive.

Plants & Trees

The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust surveyed our site in May 2021 and this is a list of plants and trees that they found on the site at that time. We hope we will be adding to this list over time as we improve the quality of the land.


We know that we have numerous slow worms and common lizards. In the future we hope to survey our reptiles regularly in order to get a better idea of numbers, hoping to encourage more as we improve the sunny grassland slope and move the current path to avoid disturbing these reptiles. Please see Projects for details.



We have a wide variety of butterflies and moths. Those that have been sighted this year include: the Large and Small White, Comma, Brimstone, Small Skipper, Speckled Wood (pictured), Red Admiral, Small Tortoiseshell, Orange Tip, Meadow Brown and Peacock.

We aim to start monitoring more throughly and consistently next year.


Foxes, squirrels, hedgehogs, field mice and bats are seen regularly. We recently put up some bat boxes on trees on the old railway embankment.



We have a wide variety of birds. Click below to see the list of some regularly viewed on the reserve.